Not yet a month, Google + Achieves 25 Million Visitors

Although still a 'new stuff', it turns out Google + networking sites have managed to capture as many as 25 million visitors. According to comScore, Google + make this figure as the fastest site that won the audience of that size.She was launched in late June and on July 24, Google + has received requests from 25 million people. On the other hand, the Facebook site takes 3 years to get the number of unique visitors that much.
While the microblogging site Twitter, it took more than 30 months, so as quoted detikINET from Reuters on Wednesday (03/08/2011).

Country United States known to be the largest contributor to that figure, ie as many as 6.44 million visitors, followed by India with 3.62 million visitors.

Other countries namely Canada and Britain have 1 million unique visitors, Germany has more than 920,000 and Brazil has more than 780,000. France and Taiwan each have 500,000 unique visitors.

One thing to remember is that Google's skyrocketing + does not guarantee he will prevail for long. Just look at the networking site that was popular on the internet, MySpace.

Achievement of 25 million unique visitors in 2 years by MySpace, aka faster than Facebook and Twitter, do not make old age and now he has lost a lot of visitors.